We make music for…

TV, film and theatrical productions

Any of our off the peg materials can be licenced for use in TV, film and theatrical productions. You might be looking for an energetic or reflective entr’acte, some abstract sounds, theme melodies or motives for a cast of characters, incidental music to engage the mind while the action moves on. We are experienced in creating sound worlds to a brief and bring a lifetime of applied music experience to each and every piece we make.

Singers and instrumentalists

Our off the peg hymns and carols tracks can be used for singing and playing along with. Our arrangements of piano music are suitable for performers to play along with too. 

Video makers, vloggers and bloggers

When you need a backing track for a montage, a theme tune or audio logo, we might have the right music for you, or we can make it for you.

Buildings, retail, hospitality and health experience designers

When you need a music track to create a relaxing ambience, a seasonal mood, or a calming atmosphere, we can help with our music. Sometimes a bespoke track from us might be right for you. We welcome enquiries from the Care sector.   

Teachers and animateurs

Many of our materials are suitable for teachers in schools, or after-school clubs where a calm atmosphere is necessary for working. Our carols and hymns are designed for voices singing in small and large groups. Our pianocloud materials have been arranged with relaxing ambiences in mind and in supported learning environments. 

Dancers and dance leaders

Our electronic and orchestral tracks are suitable for modern dance and ballet, as well as dance schools and dance festivals. We are happy to work to your requirements.

Leaders of Christian worship

Our hymns and carols are traditional music and are planned to cover the major Christian festivals and seasons. We have made a large body of general hymns which can be used to enhance worship. These are played on the organ and also on the guitar. We have also included hymns and carols in lower keys where these are be more suitable for younger and older singers.