We are at your service to provide bespoke music for your project. We will work through the following process to create the tracks you need.

The process

1 Tell us what you’re looking for

Please write us an email to describe the bespoke music project you have in mind. We’ll respond with an invitation to an online meeting where we’ll get to know each other and talk through your requirements in detail. The playback phase is chargeable at a flat rate of £50. At the end of this conversation, we will all agree whether or not to move the project on to the playback stage. 

2 Receive a playback of the brief and a time estimate

Once we have discussed your needs and have a good idea of the work which would be involved, we’ll provide a playback document which contains all the details we have captured, a thorough description of how we think we can help, and a clear indication of how much of our time needs to be dedicated to the job. The playback will also cover the timeframe for completing the first draft of the work, finalising the project from that point, and a contingency budget which will only come into play if the budget for finalising is exhausted.

3 Negotiate the deal

No two budgets are the same. We believe that we can make affordable music accessible for most projects, but we do expect to be paid reasonably for our time and expertise in the creative endeavour. 

Much depends on how you intend to use the music, and whether we are prepared to accept an element of financial risk. If you are a charity or small company, individual blogger or producer, our rates will be lower than if you are a large scale production company. Other aspects of pricing the deal will examine the total amount of music, the complexity of the arrangements and the number of musicians who are involved in the project.

Please see types of deal for bespoke music projects for information about the options which we make available to our customers.

4 Initiate the project

Once the financials are agreed, we will ask you to make a payment of 50% of the project cost to initiate the project. Once initiated we will get started right away in creating the music you need. We will give you some initial sketches and check in regularly with you as we progress to the first draft of the piece. 

The balancing payment must be made before the first draft can be released, but we will have budgeted an amount of time for the review and tweak phase still to take place. 

5 Review and tweak

Once you have received the first draft, you will be able to take some time to review the work and ask us to make changes within the remaining allocated time. You will know precisely how much time has been allocated, and we will keep you informed of where we stand on time during the review and tweak phase. If the review and tweak phase overruns, at this stage in the process, we may ask to activate some or all of the contingency budget. If the contingency budget comes into play, we will release the final versions upon receiving the final payment.

6 Take delivery

Once we have tweaked the work to your satisfaction, we will supply all the materials and formats included in your deal in their final production-ready versions.